Sunday, August 17, 2008


God Bless you all! I do believe we're making history here. Welcome to the launching of the first Hernandez Diaz Mares Family Reunion Website. This website is ever evolving and will be under construction at points during the next months. My prayer is that it be used as a consistent means of communicating, capturing family data, sharing information regarding our upcoming family reunion. Please feel free to visit and participate, to create a new blog to put your family pictures in a photo album, simply send them to with the request "for website photo album", and I will create for you. Use this website to also send us any suggestions you may have. Informational flyers and, or letters will be going out by email to all that are listed in our family data base. Please send us addresses of those you know. Let us know if we can continue to share reunion details with you by way of our website or if you prefer mail correspondence. The website method is cost and time effective and a constant way of communicating ( 24/7) and sharing updates. Please pass our website address on to other family members. Thanks for your patience with us. Please pray for God's blessings and guidance as we plan to be together once again.

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